New Version of MacOS (Sonoma) Coming this Fall

This fall, the newest Apple operating system macOS Sonoma (version 14.0) will be released. Though we don’t know the exact release date, we’re busily testing a beta version of the macOS so that we can identify any quirks or peculiarities before it becomes publicly available.

Whenever Apple releases a new version of macOS, they also deprecate one of their older versions. This time, macOS Big Sur is the one that is scheduled to fall out of support. Once Apple stops supporting this version, they also stop releasing security updates for it and it becomes critical to update to a newer version as soon as possible.

You can easily use the steps on the Apple website to to find which version of Mac OS you’re using.

If you find that you’re running Big Sur (or something earlier!), you can find instructions from Apple support on performing an update on MacOS. Please make sure that all of your files are backed up before you start the update – though the process is usually straightforward, it’s always best to have a backup in case something goes wrong. This is particularly important if you are updating from a significantly older version of macOS (version 10.15 or older).

If you’d like assistance with checking the version of your OS or with updating or with backing up your files, please contact the Help Desk at 610-526-7440 or