Problems Scheduling Zoom Meetings through Outlook

We are currently troubleshooting an issue that is preventing some Outlook users from scheduling Zoom meetings through Outlook. Our system admins are troubleshooting this issue with Zoom and Microsoft support, but in the meantime:

If the Zoom option is still visible when you create an Outlook meeting, you are not affected and can ignore this notification.

If a Zoom option is not visible when you create an Outlook meeting, please use one of the following workarounds:

    • Use Teams for online meetings scheduled through Outlook. Teams is Microsoft’s native video-conferencing app and works the same way. You can include non-Bryn Mawr participants; participants join by clicking a link and do not need a Teams account or license. See Schedule a Microsoft Teams meeting from Outlook for more information.
    • Manually add Zoom links to Outlook meetings. To do this, you will need to schedule a Zoom meeting through the Zoom web portal, click Copy invitation next to the meeting link, and paste that information into your Outlook meeting invite.

Our apologies for any inconvenience this causes, and we hope to have a resolution soon. Please contact the Help Desk (, 610-526-7440) if you have any questions or concerns.