Warning: New Phishing Attempt

This weekend, a number of Bryn Mawr community members have received a new phishing scam. Though the exact contents of the phishing email are a bit different than others, the general message follow previous patterns. Please be aware of emails that threaten the loss of your email account if you don’t fill out a form or take other actions to verify your account. Even if these messages appear to be coming from a Bryn Mawr email or use Bryn Mawr branding, they are a scam. LITS will never ask you to fill out a form to verify your account. Do not respond to the email, click on any links, or fill out any forms.

Often, phishers will use scare tactics – like threatening to terminate your accounts – to get you to follow their instructions. If you ever get an email and have questions about what it’s asking you to do, please reach out to the Help Desk (help@brynmawr.edu or 610-526-7440). Please feel free to delete any phishing messages you have received.

If you believe you’ve given your password or personal information to a phisher, please change your password immediately and get in touch with the Help Desk.

Email scams come in many forms. While we work to keep you informed, attacks are increasingly diverse and sophisticated. It’s not possible for us to warn you of every message before you see it. Be cautious and suspicious. If you ever have a question or suspicion, don’t hesitate to contact the Help Desk.

Please contact the Help Desk if you have any questions: help@brynmawr.edu or 610-526-7440.