VPN Unavailable: Monday (7/3) 8am-12pm

On Monday (7/3), LITS will be performing a significant upgrade to our VPN service. During this time, community members will be unable to access their College network drives (H:, S:, Q:, etc.) from off-campus. We apologize for any inconvenience this causes.

Once the upgrade is complete, community members will be prompted to upgrade their Pulse Secure clients. Once the client has been upgraded, community members will see the following changes:

  • Branding will change from Pulse Secure to Ivanti Secure Access
  • College network drives (H:, S:, Q:, etc.) will no longer be available via ingress.brynmawr.edu.
  • All community members will need to use the Ivanti Secure Access client to access network drives via File Explorer and Finder.

Instructions for performing the upgrade on your computer and more details about Ivanti Secure Access will be available closer to the date of the upgrade. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Help Desk at 610-526-7440 or help@brynmawr.edu.