Apple Security Update Released; LITS will Push Update to all College Owned Apple Computers at 5pm TODAY (9/22)

Apple recently released a security update to iOS and OS systems. These updates address a zero-day vulnerability. It is crucial that all community members update all of their Apple devices, including iPads, iPhones, computers, and Apple Watches as soon as possible.

Beginning at 5pm today (Friday, 9/22), LITS will push this critical update to all College-owned Apple computers.

The update will automatically download and install. The computer may shut down or restart without warning; please remember to save your work early and often. If you update your computer prior to 5pm, it will not restart again after we push the updates out.

Thank you for your patience; we are working to address this security concern as quickly as possible. If you’re not sure you’ve gotten the update or if you want help doing the update on your own, don’t hesitate to contact the Help Desk: 610-526-7440 or