RESOLVED: Duo Unavailable

Updated 5/13/24 at 4:15pm:

This issue appears to be resolved for those of us who have been testing, though Duo’s status page still reports some issues with Duo Push. Please let us know if you continue to experience problems using Duo.

Community members are reporting that they are unable to use Duo to authenticate to Bryn Mawr College services.

Reports indicate that this is a pervasive problem not unique to Bryn Mawr. 

We will update as we learn more. Contact the Help Desk with questions: or 610-526-7440.

No Free Pianos, No Free Welding Equipment

We’ve seen a recent uptick in fraudulent emails that look like they’re coming from members of the Bryn Mawr community and offer free things like pianos or welding equipment. Please mark them as phishing and don’t respond.

Instructions for marking emails as Junk (or Phishing) are available here:

Contact the Help Desk with questions: or 610-526-7440

RESOLVED: Campus Internet Connection Unavailable

Update, 10:40pm: All internet access has been restored. Please report any lingering issues or oddities to the Help Desk.

Connectivity to the internet is currently unavailable on campus. This outage was caused by a power failure at the Philadelphia facility of our service provider.

Currently we have no estimate of when service will be restored but we will share updates as we learn more.

The VPN is unavailable. Other services are only available intermittently.

Contact the Help Desk with questions: or 610-526-7440.

Update: VPN Service Restored

Updated 2/7/24 at 11:40am:

VPN service has been restored. You should be able to connect via the Ivanti Secure Access Client as before.

If you were not already running the most up-to-date version of the client, it will update automatically. If you have any questions about which version you are running, please contact the Help Desk.

If you log in at you may notice some slight changes to the way the web page looks.

Please let us know if you experience any problems: or 610-526-7440.


Updated 5/6/24 at 5:45pm:

LITS staff have made great progress again today rebuilding VPN configurations with support from our vendor.

Based on our current understanding, we expect to complete final steps tomorrow (Wednesday).

Updated 5/5/24 at 5:15pm:

LITS staff have made great progress on rebuilding our Ivanti VPN. We are now awaiting next steps from the vendor.

We don’t have an estimate yet as to when service will be restored, but we will keep you updated as we learn more.

LITS disabled the VPN on Friday, February 2, at 11:59pm.

CISA has issued an alert for a zero-day vulnerability in the Ivanti VPN and the recommendation is to take down the service today.

Students can still access College software from a campus lab computer or Apporto. Office 365 and Moodle are unaffected.

We are currently uncertain how long VPN service will be unavailable. Many organizations worldwide are affected by this issue. Responses are evolving quickly and we will share more information as it becomes available. LITS is taking steps now to source expert assistance to help us reinstate service as quickly as possible.

Please contact the Help Desk with questions: or 610-526-7440.

Warning: New Phishing Attempt 1/16

Please be aware of a recent attempt to gather login, password, and other secure personal or College data from Bryn Mawr College community members.

Be on the lookout for text messages that appear to come from a BMC community member asking you to purchase gift cards. This is a scam; do not respond in any way.

Phishing scams come in many forms. While we work to keep you informed, attacks are increasingly diverse and sophisticated. It’s not possible for us to warn you of every message before you see it. Be cautious and suspicious. If you ever have a question or suspicion, don’t hesitate to contact the Help Desk.

Routine System Maintenance: 2024

Routine system maintenance generally occurs on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month from 6:00 p.m. – midnight.

2024 Schedule:

Jan 11, 25

Feb 15, 29

Mar 14, 28

Apr 11, 25

Jun 13, 27

Jul 11, 25

Aug 15, 29

Sept 12, 26

Oct 10, 24

Nov 14, 21

LITS coordinates with divisions across the College to confirm our system maintenance schedule annually. Not all systems will necessarily be unavailable during these maintenance windows; however, you should assume that they will be and plan critical work around the system maintenance schedule. LITS will provide details on the LITS Blog whenever possible. Want to receive reminder emails? Subscribe to System Status posts.

LITS implemented this practice in June 2015 to reduce overall system downtime, to improve the security and reliability of College systems and networks, and to maintain compliance with industry and vendor support requirements and best practices.

The PeopleSoft patch testing schedule is determined by our vendor and does not follow the system maintenance schedule.

Contact the Help Desk with questions:, 610-526-7440, or