Today is the day! Your Information Security Education Program has launched. All community members with a Bryn Mawr email address (excluding undergraduates) are required to complete the program by 11/1.
Completing the program:
- Navigate to the United Educators Learning Portal
- Log in using your Bryn Mawr email address and the password InfoSec@BrynMawr1
- Set up a password and security question of your choice
- Complete the five modules with Data Security in the title by November 1st
Note: You do not have to complete the program in one sitting — your progress will be saved. On average, the entire program takes ~50 minutes.
Password not working?
- Request a new password from United Educators
- Enter your Bryn Mawr email address
- Check your email for a message from noreply-learningportal@ue.org containing a new password
Note: The password to the United Educators Learning Portal is not connected or related to your password for your College accounts.
Not sure if you need to complete the InfoSec Program?
Complete the short quiz below to find out!
For additional information about the Information Security Education Program, please see our Information Security Education page on the College site.
For any additional questions, please reach out to the Help Desk at help@brynmawr.edu or 610-526-7440
Bonus content:
It was a dark and spoooooky day in Las Vegas when a Spider and a BlackCat* descended upon the casinos. The Spider and BlackCat used their wily social engineering skills to gain access to the casinos’ data and hold it ransom! All (most) of Las Vegas was thrown into chaos for days and days. Tasks that were done by computers were now being done by hand! [insert scream sound effect]
To read more about this haunted happening, see Vox’s explainer of the ransomware attack.
* The groups Scattered Spider and ALPHV/BlackCat are believed to be responsible for the ransomware attack.