Intermittent Trouble Adding Files to H: Drive

Starting this week, community members started reporting issues adding files to their H: drives. This is due to an unusual increase in the number of files that are currently being added to the drive.

We are working as quickly as we are able to provide additional storage to the drive and you may continue to have trouble saving files to your H: drive. In the interim, you can save any eligible files to OneDrive and any shared files to your S: drive. Please remove any data you no longer need from the H: drive.

Thank you for your patience while we work to resolve this storage issue. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Help Desk: or 610-526-7440.

Launch Day: Information Security Education Program

Today is the day! Your Information Security Education Program has launched. All community members with a Bryn Mawr email address (excluding undergraduates) are required to complete the program by 11/1.

Completing the program:
  1. Navigate to the United Educators Learning Portal
  2. Log in using your Bryn Mawr email address and the password InfoSec@BrynMawr1
  3. Set up a password and security question of your choice
  4. Complete the five modules with Data Security in the title by November 1st

Note: You do not have to complete the program in one sitting — your progress will be saved. On average, the entire program takes ~50 minutes.

Password not working?
  1. Request a new password from United Educators
  2. Enter your Bryn Mawr email address
  3. Check your email for a message from containing a new password

Note: The password to the United Educators Learning Portal is not connected or related to your password for your College accounts.

Not sure if you need to complete the InfoSec Program?

Complete the short quiz below to find out!

For additional information about the Information Security Education Program, please see our Information Security Education page on the College site.

For any additional questions, please reach out to the Help Desk at or 610-526-7440

Bonus content:

It was a dark and spoooooky day in Las Vegas when a Spider and a BlackCat* descended upon the casinos. The Spider and BlackCat used their wily social engineering skills to gain access to the casinos’ data and hold it ransom! All (most) of Las Vegas was thrown into chaos for days and days. Tasks that were done by computers were now being done by hand! [insert scream sound effect]

To read more about this haunted happening, see Vox’s explainer of the ransomware attack.

* The groups Scattered Spider and ALPHV/BlackCat are believed to be responsible for the ransomware attack.

RESOLVED: Calls To and From Off-Campus Numbers Not Available

Update, 11:15am: All telephone service has been restored and community members should be able to make calls to and from their campus extensions as normal. Thank you for your patience while we resolved this issue.

Please report any lingering issues or oddities to the Help Desk.

Update, 8:30am: It appears that all campus phone service, both to and from on and off-campus numbers is unavailable in Taylor Hall. We are continuing to work to resolve all issues as quickly as possible.

Early this morning, community members started experiencing issues with calls to and from off-campus telephone numbers. Calls from campus extensions to and from other campus extensions appears to be working normally. LITS is working with the vendor to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience.

If you have any questions, please contact the Help Desk at

Bryn Mawr Blogs and Comment Spam: Change to WordPress Settings

To reduce comment spam, LITS has updated all blogs on Bryn Mawr Blogs to require users to be registered and logged in in order to comment on a page or post.
If you are a blog administrator and your target audience contains a large amount of users that have non-BMC or non-TriCo emails, this setting can be changed to allow anonymous users to comment on your blog. Please understand that this will make your blog susceptible to comment spam and you may start to see a large influx of comment notifications in your email inbox.
To learn more about comment moderation and allowing anonymous users to comment on your blogs, please see our Bryn Mawr Blogs comment documentation in Ask Athena.
Please contact the Help Desk with any questions or concerns: or 610-526-7440

Moodle Maintenance Requiring Downtime at 8am October 12, 2023

We will be performing maintenance on Moodle on Thursday, October 12 at that requires a brief service outage.

This maintenance will begin at approximately 8:00am and last no longer than 30 minutes. You may lose access to Moodle during this window and/or experience slow or unusual behavior.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Help Desk ( or 610-526-7440).

Happy InfoSec Season! (Launching 10/1)

It is that time of year again — Halloween! As we head into spooky season, the Information Education Security Program (InfoSec for short!) is here to help you keep mischief and trick-or-treating out of your College accounts.

Starting October 1st, community members (excluding undergraduates) will be able to access our Information Security Education Program at Please keep your eyes out for a launch day (10/1) email for the login information necessary to complete the program!

For additional information about the Information Security Education Program, please see

Not sure if you need to complete the InfoSec Program? Complete the short quiz below to find out!

For any additional questions, please reach out to the Help Desk at or 610-526-7440

Apple Security Update Released; LITS will Push Update to all College Owned Apple Computers at 5pm TODAY (9/22)

Apple recently released a security update to iOS and OS systems. These updates address a zero-day vulnerability. It is crucial that all community members update all of their Apple devices, including iPads, iPhones, computers, and Apple Watches as soon as possible.

Beginning at 5pm today (Friday, 9/22), LITS will push this critical update to all College-owned Apple computers.

The update will automatically download and install. The computer may shut down or restart without warning; please remember to save your work early and often. If you update your computer prior to 5pm, it will not restart again after we push the updates out.

Thank you for your patience; we are working to address this security concern as quickly as possible. If you’re not sure you’ve gotten the update or if you want help doing the update on your own, don’t hesitate to contact the Help Desk: 610-526-7440 or

Campus Internet and Services Unavailable 9/17 3-6AM

Update 9/18: This work was completed successfully during the specified outage window. Thanks for your patience!

LITS staff will be rebooting the core network switch and applying updates on Sunday, September 17th from 3:00am – 6:00am. During the reboot there will be no network connectivity, including wireless.

All services hosted at Bryn Mawr College (including Moodle), as well as internet access from campus will be unavailable.

The telephone service is on a different network and will not be affected.

Thank you for your patience as we perform this urgent work.

Please contact the Help Desk with any questions: 610-526-7440 or