Warning: New Phishing Attempt 8/25/23

Please be aware of a recent attempt to gather login, password, and other secure personal or College data from Bryn Mawr College community members.

Be on the lookout for messages that offer a free piano, or other friendly-seeming giveaways.

Do not open attachments, click on links, or respond in any way. Delete the message or report it as Phishing in Outlook. If you believe you’ve given your information to a phisher, immediately change your password and contact the Help Desk: help@brynmawr.edu, 610-526-7440.

Contact the Help Desk with questions: help@brynmawr.edu or 610-526-7440.

Remote Access to Software via LabStats Unavailable

Starting this morning, community members have reported issues using LabStats to access College software remotely. LITS staff members are working to diagnose the issue and bring these computers back online. Until then, community members should use Apporto to access College software remotely. Full instructions can be found by visiting AskAthena or by clicking here. Thank you for your patience while we resolve this issue.

Please contact the Help Desk for help connecting via Apporto or with any questions: 610-526-7440

Network Interruptions Possible this Week

The vendor that provides our network equipment has let us know about a critical vulnerability that we are working to address as quickly as possible. As this work is being done, there may be possible interruptions to both the wired and wireless internet in various locations across campus. Thank you for your patience as we perform this urgent work.

Please contact the Help Desk with any questions: 610-526-7440 or help@brynmawr.edu

Unscheduled Moodle Maintenance: Thursday, August 24

LITS will be performing emergency maintenance on Moodle between 7 AM and 8 AM on Thursday, Aug 24, 2023. The upgrade will address security vulnerabilities and should last approximately 10 minutes. People who are already logged in should experience minimal disruption during the maintenance window.

Please contact the Help Desk with any questions or concerns: help@brynmawr.edu or 610-526-7440.

RESOLVED: Phone Calls and SMS Messages Unavailable in Duo

Update: 11:55am: We’ve just heard from Duo that this issue has been resolved and people can once again authenticate to Duo via phone calls and SMS (text) messages. Thank you for your patience while Duo identified and resolved this issue.

Please contact the Help Desk if you have any further questions or concerns, or if you notice anything wonky.

As of early this morning, Duo has been experiencing issues with using phone calls and SMS (text) messages as a way to authenticate via Duo. Duo is aware of the issue and is working on it, but as of now there is no ETA for a fix.

Using the Duo app to send and receive push notifications via DuoMobile.

We will update again as we have more information. You can also see updates directly from Duo here: https://status.duo.com/.

Please contact the Help Desk with any questions: 610-526-7440 or help@brynmawr.edu


Moodle Upgrade Successfully Completed

Our upgrade to Moodle 4.2 is complete and the site is now online.

To learn more what is new/changed: 

  1. Take the user tour the first time you log in.
  2. Watch our video tour.
  3. Read a summary list of changes for teachers or for students.

If you need help:

Where are my old courses?

  • Courses from Fall 2020 to the present are still on moodle.brynmawr.edu.
  • LITS has archival copies of fall 2017-summer 2020 academic courses and can copy them into new Moodle shells for instructors on request.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us via the Help Desk (help@brynmawr.edu, 610-526-7440).

Warning: New Phishing Attempt 8/8

Please be aware of a recent attempt to gather login, password, and other secure personal or College data from Bryn Mawr College community members.

Be on the lookout for messages in which a community member sends you a file share. A recent example is a file called “ATHLETICS DIRECTORY REPORTS.docx”. This type of scam occurs regularly and could come from any account and have any file name.

Do not open the attachment, click on links, or respond in any way. Delete the message or report it as Phishing in Outlook. If you believe you’ve given your information to a phisher, immediately change your password and contact the Help Desk: help@brynmawr.edu, 610-526-7440.

If you’re not expecting someone to email you a file, you should be cautious and question why you received it.

Contact the Help Desk with questions: help@brynmawr.edu or 610-526-7440.


FINAL REMINDER: Moodle Downtime and Upgrade August 14, 2023

Moodle will be down on Monday, August 14, 2023, while LITS completes the final steps of upgrading to Moodle 4.2.

Check out this video preview of the new interface!

The first time you log in after August 14, please complete the user tour to learn about changes to the Moodle interface. We will post links to additional guides and video demos immediately following the update. In-person support will be available by appointment or drop in to Canaday 315 on Monday, August 28, 10am-12pm and 1-3pm.

As a reminder, access to Moodle Archive ends on August 14. Teachers who want personal back-up copies of courses on this site must create and download them NOW. (LITS has archived back-up copies of fall 2017-summer 2020 academic courses and will continue to copy them into new Moodle shells on request after August 15.)

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us via the Help Desk (help@brynmawr.edu, 610-526-7440).

Wireless Certificate Replacement Today, 8/1

The wireless (eduroam) security certificate will be replaced today, 8/1. There will be minimal disruption to your connection to the wireless network. Once the replacement is complete, you will be prompted by your computer to accept the new certificate the next time you attempt to connect to eduroam.

Please reach out to the Help Desk at 610-526-7440 or help@brynmawr.edu with any question or issues connecting to eduroam!

Yearly Lab and Classroom Computer Refresh: Beginning August 7th

Beginning on Monday, August 7th LITS will be updating all computers in labs, teaching spaces, and classrooms. During this refresh, some computers will be replaced while others will just have their software configurations and packages refreshed. This update will happen on a rolling basis and will continue through most of the month of August.

Please contact the Help Desk with any questions or concerns: help@brynmawr.edu or 610-526-7440.