What’s New in Panopto and Zoom

What’s New in Panopto

What’s New in Zoom

Note: Some features are require later versions of the Zoom app/desktop client. If you aren’t seeing a feature below, upgrade your Zoom app to the latest version. Some features may not be supported in iOS and Android apps.

For all participants

  • Hide Self View. Use this in-meeting feature to hide your own video from yourself after you turn it on to help prevent Zoom fatigue.
  • Stop Incoming Video. Use this in-meeting feature to block other people’s video if you’re having bandwidth issues or to reduce Zoom fatigue.
  • Set a custom gallery view. All participants can now reorganize video participants in the Gallery view and save the order for future instances of a recurring meeting. Hosts can create a customized view for participants.
  • Other tips for avoiding Zoom fatigue.

For hosts/co-hosts

  • Focus mode. Designed for online learning, hosts/co-hosts can turn focus mode on during a meeting to hide non-host/co-hosts participants videos and/or shared screens from other non-host/cohost participants. Hosts can make this the default by checking Enable focus mode when meeting starts under Advanced Options in the meeting settings when setting up the meeting.
  • Advanced Polling and Quizzing. Hosts can turn this on in meeting setting to add new question formats (e.g., short answer) and/or turn polls into quizzes by designating a correct answer for questions. (Note: Participants using older Zoom apps may need to exit the meeting, update their Zoom apps, and rejoin to answer advanced polls and quizzes.)
  • Broadcast message or screen to all breakout rooms. Hosts/cohosts in the main meeting room can now broadcast messages to and share their screen in all breakout rooms. See Managing Breakout Rooms for updated information.
  • Two-way chat with participants in waiting room. Hosts/co-hosts can now message participants in the waiting room individually and receive replies. See How to Use Waiting Room for updated information.

If you have any questions about or issues with these or other features in Panopto or Zoom, please contact the Help Desk (help@brynmawr.edu or 610-526-7440).

Changes and Improvements to Moodle

The upgrade to Moodle 3.11.4 during the month of December was successful. This version update included general fixes and improvements, as well as accessibility and security improvements and fixes. For a complete list of changes see Moodle 3.11.4 Release Notes.

The most noticeable changes include:

  • Mark as done buttons under course activities. These buttons are part of Moodle’s ongoing efforts to make it easier for students to keep track of their coursework and for instructors to provide and manage ungraded course activities. See “Using Activity Completion” for examples and instructions. Teachers can disable activity completion and remove all “Mark as done” messages on the Course Settings page (Go to Edit Settings > Completion tracking > Enable completion tracking > No).
  • Word document import button on the text editor box, which allows users to import the contents of a Word document (as opposed to copying and pasting the contents, or attaching the document).
  • Create Merged Course Shell option appearing under the settings for each course.
  • Fixes and minor improvements to activities such as: Attendance, Checklist, Collapsible Topics, OU Blog, and the H5P Content bank.

We have also made the following accessibility improvements to Moodle:

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Help Desk: 610-526-7440 or help@brynmawr.edu

Tips to Avoid E-Borrow Delays

As you may have noticed, the E-ZBorrow interlibrary loan system has switched to new software.  While we believe that this software will improve service in the long run, there are some important steps to follow to avoid delays:

  • When searching for a book, if you get more than one correct hit, please click on the title of the book to see how many libraries within E-ZBorrow own that book, and pick the result that is owned by the most libraries.
    • Results which say “Located: Multiple Libraries” are better choices than those that have a single university name next to “Located.”
    • Choosing results owned by multiple libraries allows the system to automatically move on to other libraries if the first library queried does not have the book, which reduces response time and the need to resubmit requests.
  • Once you have chosen a result and clicked the “Request” button, you will be asked to “Select Home Institution” from a drop down list: be sure to choose Bryn Mawr.
  • Your “barcode” is the number below the actual barcode in the lower-right hand corner of your OneCard. Your barcode begins with 2179600; be sure to enter all 14 digits.
    • Do not use the number immediately below your picture; this is your college ID number.

Eventually, we expect that only one hit for each item will appear regardless of how many libraries own it, and that you will be able to use your Bryn Mawr username and password to log into the system. We appreciate your patience while these enhancements are developed, and apologize for the inconvenience.

If you have any questions, please contact us at bmcill@brynmawr.edu.