TriCo Douglass Day 2023, featuring the papers of Mary Ann Shadd Cary: February 14th, 12-3pm

Every year, Douglass Day is held on February 14th by the Colored Conventions Project to celebrate the life of Fredrick Douglass. By collectively transcribing online collections of historical documents, attendees will make Black history and culture more accessible to the public.

This year’s Douglass Day celebration will be focused on the life of Mary Ann Shad Cary, a teacher, lawyer, abolitionist, and first black woman publisher in North America. This event will include transcription sessions through Zooniverse and live speeches and performances on the Douglass Day YouTube channel.

The BMC local Douglass Day event is organized by LITS and the Tri-Co Libraries with support from Sisterhood*. It will be held in Canaday 315 and remotely over Zoom from 12:00-3:00pm EST on February 14th, 2023.There will be refreshments, baked goods from Sweet T’s Bakery, and event swag. We recommend participants bring their own devices however you will also be able to use desktop computers. Parallel events will also be held at Haverford and Swarthmore for those who want to patriciate at either location.

For more information and to register for the event, check out:

Email –
Event Registration –
Livestream –
Twitter- @DouglassDayorg

Unscheduled Moodle Maintenance: Wednesday, January 25

LITS will be performing emergency maintenance on Moodle at  7:30 AM on Wednesday, January 25, 2023. The upgrade will address security vulnerabilities and should last 10 minutes. People who are already logged in should experience minimal disruption during the maintenance window.

Please contact the Help Desk with any questions or concerns: or 610-526-7440.

College Macs using macOS 10.x

LITS has received reports of Panopto failing to run on certain College Macs due to using an outdated version of macOS. All versions of macOS 10.15 and older were considered unsupported as of September 2022.

These devices are not receiving new security updates and are at an increased risk of being compromised by malware and attackers.


As of today (January 18th, 2023), LITS has pushed a command to all devices running macOS 10.15 and older. This command will automatically download a macOS update that community members should install at their earliest availability.

LITS will be contacting individual users of any College device running macOS 10.15 and older via our ticketing system — so be on the lookout for an email from! Don’t hesitate to send any questions or concerns to the Help Desk at or 610-526-7440.

To check your current macOS version:

  1. In the top-left corner of your desktop, click the Apple icon
  2. Click About This Mac
  3. Your macOS version will be listed with a name and version number

To install any pending Apple updates:

Installing updates may take 30 minutes or longer, depending of the number of pending items.
  1. Plug in your device to a power source
  2. In the top-left corner of your desktop, click the Apple icon
  3. Click About This Mac
  4. Click Software Update
  5. Click Update Now or Upgrade Now

Printing by Email To Be Disabled 1/17

Beginning Tuesday, January 17, community members will no longer be able to email print jobs Canon printers. This service will be disabled due to a change in Microsoft’s underlying infrastructure.

LITS plans to upgrade our print server software over spring break, which we anticipate will allow us to re-instate the print-by-email service. We will share more information about the upgrade and any necessary downtime soon.

For more information on printing:

Contact the Help Desk with questions: or 610-526-7440.


Longer Library Laptop and Equipment Loans

LITS is extending laptop and media equipment loan times and eliminating daily overdue fines for them! Laptops and multimedia equipment will now check out for 1 week at a time, up from 4 days. To keep laptops and equipment circulating and available, overdue items in this category will only have a two-day grace period after the due date before being billed for replacement costs. (Replacement costs will be waived automatically upon return of overdue items.)

Additionally, all remaining overdue fees for laptops and equipment will be waived  from patron accounts by March 31, 2023.

  Before Now
Check-out period 4 days 7 days
Daily overdue fines $25/day None
Grace period 4 days 2 days
Replacement cost Actual cost Actual cost

Please contact the Help Desk with any questions: or 610-526-7440

RESOLVED: Community Members Unable to Login to Some Bryn Mawr Services

Update: Community members should now be able to login to all campus services. Please reach out to the Help Desk if you’re still having trouble.

Starting this morning, community members are unable to login to some Bryn Mawr services, including EZBorrow, eMarket, Interfolio, Domain of One’s Own, and Parchment. LITS is working to diagnose and resolve these issues as quickly as possible. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.

Please contact the Help Desk with any questions or concerns:, 610-526-7440.

Panopto Recordings Erroneously Archived

We recently discovered a configuration error that caused Panopto to archive recordings too early. Normally recordings are only archived if they haven’t been viewed in three years. Recently this error caused Panopto to archive recordings created and viewed as recently as a few months ago.

NO CONTENT HAS BEEN LOST. Panopto’s archiving process only puts recordings into a kind of “cold storage” state: you can still see them, but you must “restore” or unarchive them in order to view or edit them, and the restoration can take up to two days.

We have fixed the error that caused the problem and are working with Panopto to find a way to globally restore all recordings that should be available (i.e., everything but recordings that have not been viewed in the past three years). In the meantime, we thank you for your patience and ask that you please manually “restore” or unarchive recordings you need.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Help Desk (610-526-7440,

Warning: New Phishing Attempt 1/7/23

Please be aware of a recent attempt to gather login, password, and other secure personal or College data from Bryn Mawr College community members.

Be on the lookout for messages in which a community member sends you a file share. A recent example is “Kim Cassidy” sharing a file called “Assessments”. This type of scam occurs regularly and could come from any account and have any file name.

Do not open the attachment, click on links, or respond in any way. Delete the message or report it as Phishing in Outlook. If you believe you’ve given your information to a phisher, immediately change your password and contact the Help Desk:, 610-526-7440.

If you’re not expecting someone to email you a file, you should be cautious and question why you received it.

Contact the Help Desk with questions: or 610-526-7440.


Library Openings, Closings, and Services: 12/17/22-1/17/23

Updated 1/6/23 at 1:40pm:

Housekeeping plans to do work on the floor in the Lusty Cup this Saturday, 1/7 and Sunday 1/8 from 6am – 3pm. This means that the Lusty Cup and connecting computer labs will not be accessible during that time.

Winter Break is Coming! 

All Libraries will operate with regular hours through Thursday, Dec. 15.  

On Friday Dec. 16th all libraries will close at 5pm and remain closed through the weekend (Dec. 17th-Dec. 18th).

If you need books from Haverford or Swarthmore, please request them before December 16th. There will be no van deliveries after December 16. Haverford Libraries will be open through December 22. Swarthmore Libraries will be open through December 16.

For the week of December 19th-22nd, all library services will operate out of Canaday Library from 9am-5pm. Carpenter and Collier Libraries will be closed to patrons due to limited staffing. Books and library materials can be requested from all libraries but all requests must be picked up from Canaday Library during this period. Printing (including color printing) will continue to be available on the A floor of Canaday Library (via Lusty Cup), Park Atrium (3rd floor) and outside of Collier.

All libraries will be closed from December 22nd at 5pm through January 2nd (including the Lusty Cup).

On Monday January 3rd, Canaday and Carpenter Libraries will open 9am-5pm. Collier Library will remain closed but materials can be requested from Collier to be picked up in either Canaday or Carpenter libraries. Access to Collier library will re-open on Monday January 9th.

Carpenter Library will be open on the weekend of Jan 14-15th from 12-5pm.

ILL/EZBorrow will close at 5 PM on Friday the 16th and will reopen on Thursday, January 5th.

Below is a summary of our hours but please visit LITS Libraries Hours for up-to-date information. 

  • Monday Dec. 19th – Thursday Dec. 22nd, 2022: 
    • 9am-5pm CANADAY only; Carpenter and Collier closed 
  • Monday Jan. 3rd – Friday Dec. 6th, 2023:  
    • 9am-5pm CANADAY & CARPENTER
  • Monday Jan. 9th – Friday Jan. 13th, 2023:  
    • 9am-5pm CANADAY & COLLIER;  
    • 9am-8pm CARPENTER
  • Saturday Jan 14th and Sunday Jan 15th, 2023:  
    • 12-5pm Carpenter

Contact with questions.